
Are you ready to step on the gas?...Become part of our community now!

Revolutionize your daily journeys

Say goodbye to driving alone and hello to a more rewarding ride with Go2To. Join our community of drivers who use their daily commutes to save money, connect socially, and do something for the environment.

Earn while driving:
Turn your empty car seats into extra cash with Go2To. Whether you're commuting, running errands, or planning a weekend getaway, increase your earnings by sharing rides with other travelers.

Join the Go2To community

Register quickly and easily:
Create your driver profile in just a few steps. All you need to do is enter basic information and documents about your vehicle to get started.

Publish your rides… it’s quicker than you think:
Choose your regular routes or enter destinations for one-off trips. Go2To connects you with travelers heading in the same direction.

Earn money:
Every time you share your ride with passengers, you earn money. The price is freely set by each driver and you have control over your earnings.

Safety first

Go2To conducts strict security checks to ensure you ride with trustworthy passengers. You can also check passengers' ratings and reviews before accepting their ride request.

You have complete control over your schedule. You can ride whenever it suits you and decide how often you want to ride.

Social interaction:
Meet new people and make new acquaintances while sharing a ride with passengers who have the same interests or hobbies as you.

Reliability and transparency:
Go2To ensures transparency and ride rating, allowing you to see in advance what you will earn for each ride, ensuring fairness and reliability.

Driver FAQ

To become a driver with Go2To, download the app, register, then follow the steps to set up a driver profile…

Drivers earn money by sharing their rides with passengers traveling in the same direction…

The price of a ride for passengers usually depends on the distance, the duration of the ride and the number of passengers…

Improve your driving experience with
the Go2To-App

Verbessere dein Fahrterlebnis mit der Go2To-App

Get free access to all rides, download the app, get started and chat with our members